These two essential oils have been paired together to make this Sleepy-Time Soap to prepare your body for a good night's sleep – Let the ZZzzz’s commence.
Lavender is antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and anti inflammatory. It promotes relaxation and is believed to treat anxiety and insomnia. Bergamot is antibacterial and antiseptic, it’s a natural cleanser. It’s both invigorating and a relaxant, reducing nervous tension while working as a stress reliever - a natural remedy for anxiety.
All Natural, Handmade, Organic Lavender and Bergamot Soap
Ingredients – Organic Olive Oil, Distilled Water, Organic Coconut Oil, Lye, Organic Mango Butter, Organic Castor Oil, Organic Lavender & Bergamot Essential Oils, Raw Natural Yoghurt.
Minimum Weight: 50 grams